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Internet and Modern Education

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With the rapid growth of the Internet, it is now widely used for educational purposes as well as for gathering information and research on any topic. In this modern age, the Internet is one of the most useful technologies that help us not only in daily life but also in business. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Internet plays an important role in the modern education system. Many students now prefer the Internet to ask questions, doubts, problems, etc. The internet is widely used among students not only for educational purposes but also for entertainment purposes. Many public and private schools, colleges, and universities in Malaysia encourage students to do extensive research on their topics using the Internet. The internet has made improvements not only to the education system, but also to technology, entertainment, and communication.

Before the invention of the internet, students had to spend hours looking for a specific topic in the library, but now all you have to do is enter the title in any internet search engine and they will receive detailed information on that particular topic. Internet, research, exam, test, homework, etc. It makes it easy to search for any topic or topic. In Malaysia, the internet has become an important and powerful tool for students to gather information, learn new skills, and conduct in-depth research on specific topics. Malaysian students are informed about homework, exam resumes, results announcements, etc. They need the Internet to search for relevant information. The internet plays different roles in education and some of the most important roles are outlined below:

  • In 2020, because of COVID-19 many schools and universities are now teaching through online classes. The internet is playing a vital role in this pandemic situation and keeping every school and university going student safe all around the world. 
  • Students are required to do extensive research on a particular topic, take online tests, educational games, etc. Used for Yahoo, Google, Bingo, etc. There are many popular search engines available on the internet that can help students a lot in collecting information. These search engines come close to an easy and instant one.
  • The internet overcomes this barrier and allows students of any status or class to get all the information they want. There are many poor families who cannot afford private schools and teachers for their children. The Internet improves the overall quality of education and understanding of topics. To help them improve their knowledge and gain a better understanding of a particular topic. On the Internet, students can publish hundreds of research studies, homework, articles, blogs, statistical information, informational videos, online tutors, online courses, free books, etc. Education is one of the sustainable development pillars of a strong career and therefore students should have better access to things that enhance their knowledge.
  • There are hundreds of treasures of information on the Internet for students who want to do what they can to gain knowledge. 
  • Parents can also contact teachers and ask about their children’s performance in schools or universities. Students can not only learn new information and knowledge on the Internet, but they can also communicate and interact with their teachers or professors over the Internet. Students can use social media, internet chat forums, messaging applications, WhatsApp, email, and other similar Internet forums. Using it, they can maintain constant communication with their teachers and other students, students can discuss study topics or combine studies. 
  • In this modern age, for the students who missed classes and lecturers, the teacher posts their notes and videos on the school forums or school channels so that they can easily cover the missing lectures and topics. The teachers can make the topic interesting by making use of animation and powerPoints slides. The internet makes the process of learning fun, interesting, diverse with the use of tutorial videos and notes direct from the experts. The internet has now become a very important and powerful tool for both teachers and students for efficient teaching and learning.

To conclude, now you would have understood the importance of the internet and how the internet is of significant importance in today’s modern education system. Therefore, if one wants his child not to be left behind from other excellent studies then one must provide him with the necessary internet facility. Apply for Time 100mbps now in your houses to let your child have all the benefits of the internet.

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